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Images and Concepts of the human being and its creations 

The IMO Methodology developed by Adriaan Bekman

Adriaan Bekman

The images and concepts you find in this book can be seen as basic images that can lead us in how we develop and change ourselves and our organizations and how we understand dynamics of situations we find ourselves in. They can help us to sharpen our observation of the phenomena in situations, to see the steering principles that direct human behavior, to come to good judgements and perform adequate actions.

These images and concepts can be studied and used by leaders and professionals. They are IMO concepts.

In this book we will very shortly indicate the history of each concept development, the concept itself and the way one can work with this concept in the client practice.

Paperback, 140 blz., € 18,50

1 juni 2020

ISBN: 978 94 91748 97 4

Uitgeverij Cichorei

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